Beyond the Circuit:
Making Money from Jobs You Can't (or Don't Want to) Take
Every electrician knows the feeling. You're on a service call to replace a panel when the homeowner casually drops: "While you're here, can you also hang these new light fixtures, install some outlets in the basement, and maybe take a look at this flickering light in the garage?"
You've got three options:
- Say yes to everything and work until midnight
- Say no and watch potential income walk away
- Pass those jobs to someone else in your network who specializes in those tasks
Most of us choose option 3. We hand out a buddy's number and say, "Give Mike a call, he's great with those smaller jobs."
And that's where the opportunity slips through our fingers.
The Hidden Income in Your Daily Conversations
Think about last month. How many times did you:
- Turn down small jobs because they weren't worth your time?
- Refer customers to other trades for tasks beyond electrical work?
- Pass along residential jobs because you prefer commercial work (or vice versa)?
- Mention a dependable handyman for small tasks?
Each of those referrals represents money left on the table.
From Casual Recommendation to Revenue Stream
What separates top-earning electricians from the rest isn't just technical skill or speed—it's their ability to monetize every aspect of their business, including jobs they never touch.
Here's what the process looks like when you do it right:
Jason specializes in heavy commercial electrical work. When a residential customer calls about recessed lighting installation, rather than just saying "I don't do that kind of work," Jason sends a referral through RevLink to Sarah, who focuses on residential electrical.
Sarah gets the job details, quotes $1,800 for the recessed lighting installation, and lands the work. After completing the job and getting paid, Sarah sends Jason a $180 referral fee.
Jason earned money without spending a single minute on the jobsite, Sarah got a pre-qualified lead that converted easily, and the customer found exactly the right electrician for their needs.
The Smart Way to Build Your Referral Network
The best part? This works in every direction:
- Specialization: Commercial electricians can refer residential work and vice versa
- Scheduling: Overbooked electricians can refer work they can't fit in
- Service Area: Jobs outside your service area become opportunities, not annoyances
- Cross-Trade: Referrals to HVAC pros, plumbers, and general contractors create new income streams
Every job you can't or don't want to handle becomes a potential commission check.
Making It Work for You
Want to start monetizing your referrals? Here's how to get started:
- Know your boundaries - Be clear about what jobs you want to take and what you prefer to refer out
- Build your network strategically - Connect with contractors who complement your business, not just your drinking buddies
- Make referrals part of your process - Train yourself to see every "no" as a referral opportunity
- Track everything - Use tools like RevLink to ensure you get credit (and payment) for the business you create
The Math Makes Sense
Let's break it down:
- Average electrical job: $750-1,500
- Standard referral fee: 10%
- Just 3 referrals per month
- That's $75-150 per referral
You're looking at potential extra income of $2,700-5,400 annually without pulling a single wire or installing a single outlet.
Real Talk: What's Holding You Back?
"I already refer people informally."
Sure, but are you getting paid for it? And how many of those referrals actually convert? Without a system, you're just giving away valuable leads.
"Won't my customers just find someone else anyway?"
Maybe. But they're much more likely to go with a trusted recommendation from a professional they already hired. Your endorsement has real value—why give it away for free?
"I don't have time for more paperwork."
That's the beauty of modern referral systems. Tools like RevLink let you send a lead in seconds from your phone, then track everything automatically. It takes less time than writing down a phone number for your customer.
The Bottom Line
Every job you turn down or pass along is a potential revenue stream. The smartest electricians are already capitalizing on this "hidden income" from their daily conversations.
With the right system and network, you can transform casual recommendations into a serious supplemental income stream—all without working an extra hour.
Ready to start monetizing the jobs you're already referring out? Join RevLink today and turn those referrals into revenue.
Connect with other electricians and expand your referral network in our contractor community.